The implementation of the latest standard GB18613 in 2021 is imminent, and the motor industry will enter an era of high efficiency.

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February 16, 2023

The implementation of the latest standard GB18613 in 2021 is imminent, and the motor industry will enter an era of high efficiency

The downward pressure on the economy is increasing, and it is urgent to promote high-efficiency and energy-saving motors

The transformation and upgrading of the industry have brought huge development space for the motor industry. As of 2020, the installed capacity of electric motors in my country will reach 2.5 billion KW, and a total installed capacity of 800 million KW will be added in the next five years.

According to statistics, in 2015, my country's motor ownership was about 2.4 billion kilowatts, the total electricity consumption was about 3.5 trillion kilowatt-hours, and the whole society's electricity consumption was 5.55 trillion kilowatt-hours, accounting for 65% of the total electricity consumption of the whole society; The total power consumption of electric motors in the industrial field is 2.9 trillion kWh, and the industrial power consumption is 3.93 trillion kWh, accounting for 74% of the industrial power consumption, and the industrial motor power consumption accounts for 52% of the total electricity consumption of the whole society.

The downward pressure on the economy is increasing, and the pressure and challenges faced by industrial enterprises are also increasing. A large number of motors and a low level of energy efficiency also restrict the healthy development of the domestic economy. Therefore, it is urgent to promote high-efficiency and energy-saving motors, which is not only an inevitable requirement for industrial enterprises to meet the needs of social development, but also an inevitable requirement for domestic motor products to keep up with the international development trend, and is also conducive to promoting industry technological progress and product exports.

The implementation of the new standard is imminent, and the electric motor will fully enter the "high-efficiency era"

On May 29, 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the National Standardization Administration issued Announcement No. 13 of 2020, which approved the publication of 9 mandatory national standards, including the new standard for motor energy efficiency "GB18613-2020 Motor Energy Efficiency Limit Values". and Energy Efficiency Ratings”. After many years, the new standard of motor energy efficiency has finally arrived. 

"GB18613-2020 Energy Efficiency Limit Values and Energy Efficiency Levels of Electric Motors" is published by China National Institute of Standardization, Shanghai Electrical Equipment Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., China Electrical Equipment Research Institute Co., Ltd., Weikai Testing Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Electrical Equipment Testing Institute Co., Ltd., Jiamusi Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor System Energy Saving Engineering Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Wolong Electric Nanyang Explosion-proof Group Co., Ltd., Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd., Anhui Wannan Electric Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai ABB Motor Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Dazhong Electric Co., Ltd. the Shanghai Representative Office of the American International Copper Professional Association, and Yunnan Copper Die Casting Technology Co., Ltd.

The latest standard GB18613 in 2021

GB18613-2020 revised the scope of application of the standard and merged and updated the original energy efficiency standards for small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motors (GB18613) and low-power motors (GB25958). Three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency grade" and "GB25958-2010 small power motor energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency grade" are two energy efficiency standards.

Since the formulation and implementation of the mandatory standard GB 18613, the manufacturers and users of electric motors have been subject to necessary constraints and guidance from the national level, such as specific policies such as Huimin Project, Energy-Saving Product Certification, Energy Efficiency Star, and Green Factory. At the same time, the continuous elimination of high-energy-consuming products has guided consumers to enhance energy-saving awareness from the market level and effectively promoted the promotion and development of high-efficiency motors from another perspective. 

During the revision process of the GB18613 standard, the requirements for the energy efficiency limit of motors have been continuously improved. The energy efficiency levels 3 and 2 in the 2020 version of the GB18613 standard correspond to the energy efficiency levels 2 and 1 in the 2012 version of the standard respectively; the energy efficiency level 1 in the 2020 version of the standard corresponds to Equivalent to the IE5 energy efficiency level in IEC 60034-30-1; the 2020 version of the standard also adds energy efficiency control requirements for 8P motors.

From the 2020 Green Motor Product Catalogue and the patent application for motors, it is found that the manufacturing technologies of high-efficiency motors such as IE4 and IE5 have achieved breakthroughs and the implementation of mandatory standards in some key enterprises, which undoubtedly promotes the integration of motor manufacturing technologies and promotes A good strategy to improve the energy efficiency of the motor.

In recent years, the state has increased the frequency of supervision and spot checks on the quality of motor products, from once a year to four times a year (one time each quarter), which is a great shock to motor manufacturers. The improvement of the link has enhanced the collection degree and objectivity of the spot check.

The standard is scheduled to be implemented on June 1, 2021, which means that the production of energy-efficient motors below IE3 will be forced to stop by then, and the domestic motor industry will fully enter the "high-efficiency era".

Foreign motor companies have taken the lead in making efforts

As the standard drafting unit, Siemens has released a new generation of low-voltage high-power motor SIMOTICS 1LE8 since 2019. This series of motors is developed for the Chinese market and can be used for general purposes and heavy-duty applications in harsh environments. At the beginning of the design, Siemens fully considered the efficiency level requirements of the motor, so that it could meet the GB18613-2020 energy efficiency level requirements at that time, that is, the ultra-high efficiency requirements with an efficiency of ≥ IE3 level, to ensure that it has ultra-high energy efficiency and Advantages such as extremely high-reliability SIMOTICS 1LE8 can meet the high energy efficiency requirements of motors in different industries, and can be widely used in papermaking, mining, and other industries, as well as fans, pumps, compressors, extruders and other fields.



In 2020, Siemens released the new low-voltage explosion-proof series of motor Simotics XP 1MB0063 and Simotics XP 1MB0013 "Gemini" that was developed and produced in China. The release marks the full coverage of Siemens's explosion-proof motor product line to achieve gas and dust explosion-proof! At the same time, these two new motor series also meet the requirements of the GB18613-2020 energy efficiency level, as well as the IE3 efficiency level in the IEC 60034-30-1 (2014) standard.



Since then, with both the mature low-voltage motor product series and the newly launched brand-new low-voltage motor product series, Siemens has all met the requirements of IE3 energy efficiency level, actively helping enterprises to respond to the national call for energy conservation and consumption reduction, and achieve green development of energy conservation and efficiency enhancement.

It is believed that with the leadership of foreign-funded enterprises, major domestic motors will gradually join the high-efficiency motor manufacturing team.

As the driving device of various mechanical equipment such as fans, pumps, compressors, machine tools, conveyor belts, etc., the power consumption of motors accounts for more than 60% of the total industrial power consumption in China, of which the power consumption of small three-phase asynchronous motors accounts for about 35%. , is a big power consumer, so the development of high-efficiency electric motors in China is one of the important measures to improve energy utilization, which is very necessary to meet the needs of my country's development.

Energy saving project of the motor system is the key area of national energy saving and emission reduction work. In the context of energy saving and emission reduction, mandatory standards and encouragement policies determine that energy-efficient motors will fully replace traditional inefficient motors in the future. Energy-efficient motors are motors that use new motor designs, new processes, and new materials to improve the output efficiency of motors by reducing the loss of electromagnetic energy, heat, and mechanical energy.

Motors are the source of power in the industrial field, and AIP has been paying attention to the development of the motor industry. Since its establishment, AIP has been committed to the R&D and production of motor testing equipment, paying tribute to the industry with professionalism, and is always full of passion and vitality. Thank you for your long-term trust and support of AIP!

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