Upgrade program with USB flash drive.

The following is about AIP equipment using U disk upgrade procedures, hoping to help customers solve the problems encountered in the operation.

Technical Support

Upgrade program with USB flash drive

U disk upgrade A8 program method

Comparison of before and after USB flash drive upgrade.


Operation steps:

Step 1: Create a new folder for aip in the USB drive.

Step 2: Confirm whether the file name is the same as the picture below, if not, you need to rename it.

USB flash drive requirements:

The USB flash drive should have a capacity of 64GB or less and be in FAT32 format. If the USB flash drive cannot meet the above conditions.

Please replace the USB flash drive or format the USB flash drive to change the format of the USB flash drive, and the USB flash drive cannot be the PE disk of the computer.

Step 3: Insert the U disk and wait for the end of the program upgrade.

Operation steps:

Step 1: Create a new folder for aip in the USB drive.

Step 2: The upgraded files must be named with aip and placed in the aip folder.

Step 3: Select the corresponding board and program.

Step 4: If the encryption is successful, the board upgrade is complete.

USB flash drive requirements

The USB flash drive should have a capacity of 64GB or less and be in FAT32 format. If the flash drive cannot meet the above conditions, please replace the flash drive or format the flash drive to change the format of the flash drive, and the flash drive cannot be the PE disk of the computer.

This time to Hi-pot version board upgrade demonstration, upgrade other boards need to click to upgrade the function of the board name

1.Plug in the U disk to turn on the computer.

2.Select the corresponding board and program.

3.Show encryption success for the board upgrade is complete.

4.Pull out the USB flash drive and wait for the program upgrade to finish.

[USB flash drive upgrade]

1. [Prepare for USB upgrade]

The USB flash drive should be 64GB or less capacity and FAT32 format. If the USB drive cannot meet the above conditions, please replace the USB drive or format the USB drive to change the USB drive format.

Enter the "Data Management" interface of the second generation host, insert the USB flash drive into the USB port, wait for 5-10 seconds, if the display shows "USB flash drive: inserted" (as shown in the lower right corner of the figure below), it means that the USB flash drive is available.

2.Upgrade the host program using a USB flash drive.

Create a new folder named "aip" in the root directory of the USB flash drive, and put the host program to be upgraded into the "aip" folder (*The name of the host program must be aip, if it is not aip, the upgrade may be unsuccessful or unable to boot*).

Insert the USB disk with the program into the USB port of the test host that has been turned off, turn on the power, wait until the test host is fully powered on and then return to the power-on homepage to compare the version number of the upgraded program to determine whether the upgrade is successful.

3.Upgrade the board program using a USB flash drive.

Create a new folder named "aip" in the root directory of the USB flash drive, and put the board program (.bin file) to be upgraded into the "aip" folder (* Do not change the name of the board program to aip, if you change it to aip, it will not boot up*).

Insert the USB disk into the board program into the USB socket of the test host that has been turned off, turn on the power, and the following chart will be displayed after the power is turned on (to upgrade the resistor board program as an example).

Click the name of the program you want to upgrade (marked with 1), the name of the device (marked with 2) and start downloading in turn. Wait for the message box at the bottom right to show "Encryption successful" and then exit the motor.

Network Upgrade

1.Use cell phone wireless hotspot networking

Open System Settings->Network (the factory default password is 6), check the wifi name, wifi password and DNS setting, if the DNS setting is not "", please change the DNS to "114.114. 114.114.114".

Open the mobile hotspot on the phone, change the hotspot name and password on the phone to the same as the test host (it is not recommended to change the settings on the test host), reboot the test host, wait for the power on to see if there is a sign on the top right corner of the power on home page that has been networked (as shown below), if there is a successful network, contact Aipu personnel for the remaining operations.

2.Use a laptop to operate remotely.

Use one network cable, one end of which is connected to the front network port of the test host and the other end to the network port of the laptop. Install the Sunflower Remote Control Software on the laptop. (You are advised to download the first version from the official website.) Enter System Settings -> Network in the test host, and the network parameters can be set as follows (exactly the same).

After the above operations, the sunflower "local identification code" and "local verification code" sent to the AP personnel for remote control.