How to change fixture for armature tester?

The following are some steps on rotor seat replacement, depth positioning, and chuck positioning of the armature tester. I hope to help you!

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How to change fixture for armature tester?

Tips on armature fixture commissioning.

1.When it is required to test an armature with same commutator but different lamination diameter, you need change the armature support plate, and adjust the Hi-pot bar which is used for the armature location in the fixture.

Armature support plate change over

1.Loose the crew of the armature support plate and replace the plate with the correct one, adjust the angle of the plate so that the positioning pin point at the middle of the commutator bar, then fix the plate with the screw.

Armature depth positioning

After replace the armature support plate, put the armature on the fixture and adjust the depth positioning by the following steps, remove the Hi-pot bar cover, loose the nuts, rotate the Hi-pot bar until the armature fit in the fixture properly, the hooks should not exceed the positioning pin. 


Tips on armature fixture change over

1.When it is required to test an armature with different commutator, the fixture need to be changed.

2.Before changing the armature fixture, please disconnect the pneumatic air tube, hi-pot plug and green terminal blocks first.


3.After disconnect all the connection, loose the hex bolts and replace the armature fixture, then recover the connection, don’t mix the pneumatic air tube of CQ1 and QN1.