Deepening cooperation 4th council of the 8th session of the micromotor branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association visited AIP for exchanges

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May 10, 2024

Deepening cooperation 4th council of the 8th session of the micromotor branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association visited AIP for exchanges

Recently, a group of participants from the 4th meeting of the 8th Council of the Micromotor Branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association visited Qingdao AIP Intelligent Instrument Co., Ltd. ( AIP ) for a visit. Liu Yalin, Chairman of AIP, Zhang Xiaoning, General Manager, and other company leaders warmly received the council and accompanied them to visit the company's core areas such as the technology center, laboratory, production workshop, and marketing center.

Innovation leads the way and breaks through technical barriers

In the technology center laboratory, council members spoke highly of AIP's outstanding performance in technology research and development. with years of deep accumulation in the motor testing industry, AIP has successfully established a top R&D team in the industry, covering multiple core technology areas.

During the visit, the company's technical staff introduced in detail the breakthroughs that AIP has made in exploring cutting-edge technologies and solving technical problems in the industry. Especially in key technologies such as PD partial discharge testing, AAE/ATE performance testing, coil single-point line damage testing, and stator grounding vertical line testing, AIP has not only achieved domestic breakthroughs but has also set a technical benchmark globally.


Modular production to accurately meet customized needs

Subsequently, the council delegation visited AIP's production workshop and expressed their admiration for the efficient operation of the modular production and assembly method and strict product quality control. Through its flexible modular production method, AIP can accurately meet the diverse customization needs of customers. At the same time, the company strictly controls every production link to ensure product performance is stable, quality is excellent and meets the highest standards in the industry.

AIP is currently able to provide one-stop motor testing solutions from stator, rotor, and FCT to complete machines for more than 20 industries including automotive motors, household appliance motors, power tool motors, servo motors, fan motors, water pump motors, and industrial motors. Its customers are all over the world, and it has established solid cooperative relationships with many well-known brands such as Nidec, Bosch, Aichi, Magna, BYD, Hitachi, and CMCC.


ERP system empowerment promotes a global layout strategy

During the visit to the smart warehouse, the board members experienced the convenience and efficiency of the WMS system. Through the advanced warehouse management system, AIP has achieved real-time updates and accurate management of inventory information, greatly improving the efficiency of warehouse operations. In addition, the company has also built an efficient supply chain and internal operation system through the in-depth application of the ERP system and the integration of multiple subsystems, providing strong support for the company's global layout and international development.

At present, AIP has established 9 offices in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and other places in China, and has 15 service centers around the world. Its full range of products are sold in more than 60 countries and serves more than 13,000 customers.


After the visit was successfully concluded, the potential customers also had in-depth exchanges with AIP's technical staff, laying a solid foundation for both parties to establish a closer cooperative relationship in the future.

This visit not only fully demonstrated AIP's corporate strength and industry influence, but also highlighted its firm belief and positive attitude towards the development of the micromotor industry. With its warm and thoughtful hospitality, AIP promoted in-depth exchanges between industries and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation. In the future, we believe that with the joint efforts of colleagues in the industry, China's micromotor industry will achieve even more remarkable achievements.